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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Broccoli Stir Fry Curry

1 lbs of fresh broccoli can be substituted with frozen
3 tablespoon oil
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of curry powder add more if you want it spicier

Wash and cut the broccoli.  Remove the end and discard it.  Use the stalk if it is tender.  

Heat oil in a pan add broccoli and salt cover and cook for 2 minutes.  After 2 minutes remove the cover stir add 1/2 teaspoon of salt  cover and cook for 3 minutes.  After that remove the cover add 1 teaspoon of curry powder and cook till done do not over cook.  While cooking occasionally stir the vegetable so that the bottom does not burn add a little water if necessary.

To taste good broccoli should retain some crunchiness.  It takes about approximately 7 to 10 minutes for broccoli to cook stirring it occasionally.  

Serve with rice or chapati.

Serves 4.

Beautiful green broccoli, delicious and tasty.  If it is spiced just right anybody will eat it.  Buy them green and with a compact flower head them stem should not be woody.

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